Jamie Lunde

College Pastor
jamie@santacruzfaith.org 831-429-9000 x 7005

Jamie serves as our pastor to college students. She leads our ministry team that helps
college students grow spiritually.


My Story

Santa Cruz is a new home for me as I am originally from Sacramento and have lived there all my life. After having our first kid in 2022, my husband Dave and I started to dream and pray about what life could be like somewhere else. He was born in Santa Cruz and lived here in his early adult years, so the move here felt natural. I am currently pursuing a Masters in Biblical and Theological Studies at Western Seminary, and have my B.S. in Christian Leadership from Jessup and my A.A. in Sociology from American River College. I first fell in love with college ministry volunteering for Bayside Church, and have since served in church events, marketing, connections, and youth. When Iā€™m not chasing around my one year old August, I love to explore coffee shops with my husband, cook meals for friends, or sit outside admiring nature. I truly believe that the church is better with you in it and am passionate about helping people find that Jesus is the way to abundant and eternal life.


Our Leadership

Learn about more of the people who lead our church.

Kevin Grewohl