Heidi Swift

heidi@santacruzfaith.org 831-429-9000 x 7004

Heidi has been serving as Elder since 2023.


My Story

I moved to Santa Cruz in 2016 with my “Kiwi” husband and our infant daughter in what was intended to be a temporary resettlement but ultimately became the place we call home. How I see it is that God knew we needed more: more space, community, and calling. With the addition of another daughter in 2018 to our crew, we eventually realized that Santa Cruz was where we should invest our roots, and now here we are.

My job history in event and project management, along with my degree in public relations and minor in religion, has created a beautiful foundation where I get to engage with people and live out my faith in a way that draws them in and shows them acceptance. I am what you would define as an introverted extrovert - I love getting to know people and fostering relationships. Yet, I recharge with a good book, visiting our local state parks, learning how to knit, and having time alone to deepen my faith (and sanity as a Mum!). 

I have a heart for Santa Cruz and its wider communities to see Christ through personal interactions and for our members to grow in relationships with others and God.


Our Leadership

Learn about more of the people who lead our church.

Josh BootzElder