Andy Lewis

Lead Pastor and Elder 831-429-9000 x 7001

Andy serves as our Lead Pastor and Lead Elder.


My Story

I have lived in Santa Cruz for over 26 years, which I think almost makes me a local. I have an MA in Theology from Western Seminary and served as a youth pastor, college speaker, and college pastor before I became Lead Pastor. I’m also a woodworker, and play in a Johnny Cash cover band called “Man In Black.” But I’m mostly a pastor who has invested the last 30 years teaching, leading, and sending people out into the adventure of following Jesus. I’ve been married to my wife Aleta for 30 years, and we have three amazing children: Cassidy, Michael, and Josh. I wake up every day eager to see what Jesus might do in me and through me.


Our Leadership

Learn about more of the people who lead our church.

chad brownElder, Lead Pastor