Series Weeks

Streaming Live Sundays @ 9am

  1. Mar. 8 All Ages Worship

  2. Mar. 16 “Walking with Jesus As He Weeps” - Luke 19:28-44 - Andy Lewis

  3. Mar. 23 “Walking with Jesus As He’s Questioned - Luke 19:45-2:8 - Andy Lewis

  4. Mar. 30 “Walking with Jesus As He’s Betrayed” - Luke 22:1-6 - Andy Lewis

  5. April 6 “Walking with Jesus As He’s Arrested” - Luke 22:47-53 - Andy Lewis

  6. April 13 “Walking with Jesus As He’s Interrogated” - Luke 22:66-23:7 - Nick Hart

  7. April 18 - Good Friday Worship - 7pm

  8. April 20 - Easter Sunday - Luke 24: 13-49 - Andy Lewis


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